ZMATH - Statistics - 2008

Customer-Id: de.010.0232
Name: Universität Regensburg
Contact: Eveline Hutzler
IP-Range: 132.199  

Period Queries Matches Display short Display compl.
2008 1124 701789 6583 265
January 2008 76 2990 353 17
February 2008 193 5008 1074 46
March 2008 62 1885 300 23
April 2008 124 169710 546 38
May 2008 20 20272 79 6
June 2008 36 4151 186 7
July 2008 158 9965 1051 42
August 2008 63 3476 365 5
September 2008 30 1245 215 1
October 2008 89 9256 576 14
November 2008 122 5570 737 43
December 2008 151 468261 1101 23

For the amount of information given for each item, you may select between two: 'short display' and 'complete display'.

Short display comprises the bibliographic information (Zbl-number, Author(s), Title, Language, Source, CC MSC-classification, Reviewer).

Complete display comprises all of the bibliographic information plus content description (Document Type, Abstract (Review), Keywords, and Citations).