ZMATH - Statistics - 2006

Customer-Id: de.010.0232
Name: Universität Regensburg
Contact: Eveline Hutzler
IP-Range: 132.199  

Period Queries Matches Display short Display compl.
2006 943 421031 6087 487
January 2006 51 17592 477 49
February 2006 98 17050 548 39
March 2006 54 1448 194 51
April 2006 63 18074 834 34
May 2006 119 6203 640 81
June 2006 40 736 257 29
July 2006 62 43206 449 22
August 2006 139 2837 778 65
September 2006 71 8909 455 18
October 2006 34 201273 261 4
November 2006 139 11381 819 37
December 2006 73 92322 375 58

For the amount of information given for each item, you may select between two: 'short display' and 'complete display'.

Short display comprises the bibliographic information (Zbl-number, Author(s), Title, Language, Source, CC MSC-classification, Reviewer).

Complete display comprises all of the bibliographic information plus content description (Document Type, Abstract (Review), Keywords, and Citations).